Tuesday, March 4, 2014

So far so good

I had my second infusion and first radiation treatment yesterday, and my second radiation treatment today. Everything went fine, and didn't seem to affect me at all (apart from the pre-infusion benadryl putting me to sleep).  No headache this time (well, no worse than my usual).

I know the radiation is cumulative and will start to really get unpleasant in a few weeks, but for now it's not bad (apart from being bound in the plastic mesh while the business end of the radiation device moves around me making ominous sounds).

I also got my radiation treatments moved from 12:20pm to 8:30am, so I'll at least be able to get to works a few days a week.  Speaking of work, it remains unstable, but there are some potentially interesting developments on the horizon...

more later.


  1. Thinking of you every day... and most intrigued by "potentially interesting developments!" Can't wait to hear more...

  2. Glad to hear that good things may be happening on the work front! As for the treatment, please know that you are in our thoughts. Love you.

    Kelly and Dennis

  3. hey hans, was thinking about you & just saw these latest updates. I like the green mask (quite lime-y!) and the mouth hole too. i had neither option. in fact, i'm sure they would have fashioned a cork instead of the mouth hole if they'd had their druthers.
    hope everything comes together wrt work... hang in there, bud.

  4. Big hug. I loved Janes pic of you on fbook, you looked like jack or jack looks like you. :)

  5. Just catching up, sorry to hear about the job instability. Thought that burden was mine to carry, glad to hear you've got options.
