Dr. Awesome managed to get my MRI and PET/CT scans moved up from February 6th to yesterday.
I got the results of the MRI today (with an online viewer for the scans -- very cool). From my layman's reading of the report, it sounds like the tumor in my tongue is very large (4cm in the largest dimension). The report closes with:
These findings are consistent with stage T4aN2b squamous cell carcinoma of the oral tongueT4aN2b means (from www.cancer.org):
T4a: Tumor is growing into nearby structures. This is known as moderately advanced local disease.
N2b: The cancer has spread to 2 or more lymph nodes on the same side as the primary tumor, but none are larger than 6 cm across
I felt a slight chill and a wave of nausea as I read this. I'm hoping to talk to Dr. A soon and find out exactly what this means, but I'm pretty sure it's not good news.
Holding only good thoughts for you... XOXOX